Medical Billing Expert

Security Measures at MedbillingExperts


MedBillingExperts has implemented a hi-tech security system to ensure comprehensive data and patient privacy. The security system is designed to conform to the ISO 9001:2000 and HIPAA compliance criteria thus guaranteeing highest standards of security and confidentiality.

Security System Highlights

  • 100% conformance with HIPAA compliance standards
  • Signing of NDAs and SLAs for complete security assurance
  • Implementation of Internet usage policies, company assets, software/hardware warranties etc. to guarantee uncompromised privacy
  • Regular audit of employees having access to customer data

Data Security

  • Periodic penetration tests and security audits to ensure 100% safety.
  • In case of a security breach, the customer is intimated immediately.
  • Software, hardware and configurations are constantly maintained as per customer specifications.
  • Daily data backup to prevent loss or misplacement of important information.

Site Security

  • 24/7 monitoring through surveillance cameras within and outside the office.
  • Customer information made accessible to authorised users
  • Electronic security at doors to prevent unauthorized access.
  • Fire extinguishers & smoke alarms to avert mishaps.
  • Round the clock security personnel to prevent burglary or vandalism.

Personnel Security

  • Carrying documents into and out of the office premises is not allowed.
  • Carrying image capturing gadgets forbidden
  • Physical checks of employees before entering or exiting office locations.
  • Employee signature on confidentiality agreement mandatory.
  • Compulsory safety measure training.
  • Staff ID cards for verifying employee identities

Network Security

  • A stringent network security policy restricts access to authorized personnel only.
  • Multi-level security for systems and networks.
  • Passwords are changed periodically to strengthen security.
  • All systems are installed on a server secured with 128 bit SSL encryption.
  • Access to the systems is restricted to authorized staff.
  • Floppy disk and USB drives are disabled on all desktops/laptops
  • Surprise checks are conducted to detect breaches.
  • Firewalls and anti-virus software are regularly updated with the latest versions.
  • Entire network can be backed up and stored in a safe location to meet emergencies.

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